Seasonal Subscription Box is Open!
Seasonal Subscription Box is Open!
June 28, 2019 3 min read
Summer has officially begun! It’s time for vacations, days in the sun, and lots of swimming. The temperature is rising and depending on where you live, the air may become drier or more humid. Your skin has a lot to deal with in the summer, from sunburn tochlorine in the pool to sweating on a hot day. One of the best ways that you can keep your skin healthy is by drinking water!
Water helps in filtering impurities out of your system, and if you’re not drinking enough, you may notice your skin reacting to the buildup of impurities. About 65% of the human body is made up of water, and this includes your skin cells. We lose water all the time through breathing or sweating or crying. During the summer, the risk of dehydration is higher than usual. Your skin will show it if you become dehydrated: it may become dry, flaky, sensitive, wrinkled, or just appear duller than usual.
** Very important note: Make sure you're not pulling MORE water out of your skin by using soaps with alcohol in them! You want a soap that will bind with impurities and LIFT them away -- not try and neutralize them on the spot. Every one of our soaps is filled with rich butters and oils that will help keep that natural oil layer in tact while still lifting out dirt WITHOUT drying out your skin! And for more information on how soap works, check out this post.**
There are plenty of products for keeping your skin moisturized, but it’s important to remember that healthy skin starts with a healthy diet. Drinking coffee, energy drinks, soda, or juicescan’t replace drinking water. One of the easiest ways you can maintain clear, happy skin is by making sure you get enough water each day. Drinking water is a guaranteed way to keep your entire body healthy, not just your skin. You can also get water through fruits and vegetables, particularly watermelon, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, and cucumbers. Having a reusable water bottle is an easy way to make sure you always have enough water.
Drinking the right amount of water isn’t too difficult, as long as you drink when you are thirsty and watch for signs of dehydration. The recommended amount for women is about 12 cups (91 ounces) and for men it’s about 16 cups (125 ounces) throughout the day. Those are averages, so it’s important that you be aware of what your body needs. How much water you require also depends on the weather and what types of activity you engage in.
This summer, make sure you and your family stay hydrated and can enjoy the sun, wind, and waves without worrying about your skin.
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