Ingredient love: featuring Neem, Rhassoul Clay and Patchouli

November 08, 2017 2 min read

skin benefits for neem rhassoul clay parchouli yellow bird natural skin care

Ingredients matter— We all know that. Whether it’s ingredients we definitely DON’T want on our skin ( silicones, plastics, bleach, etc.), or ingredients we specifically seek out— We want to know what is going on our skin (and loved one’s skin) and why. I think that every ingredient in a product should be there ON PURPOSE (hey! everybody’s gotta pull their weight ;) ). So here are a couple reasons why we made soaps with neem oil, rhassoul clay, and patchouli essential oils (besides the fact that they have sweet names!)


First up, NEEM 

Neem oil is a superstar oil— it has a high level of antioxidants as well as carotenoids (which fight free radical damage in the skin). It is naturally full of Vitamin E and fatty acids, neem is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving it feeling greasy! Even better, it contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help relieve redness and neutralize histamine reactions (which is what cause swelling and puffiness).

Fun Fact: While neem is a SUPERSTAR skin oil, it has a very pungent and distinct scent (so we perfectly pair it with lemongrass and geranium — ya’ll this soap smells good! AND it brings the magic!)



Clays are amazing for absorbing impurities and detoxing! Rhassoul clay feels silky and has a high magnesium content (as well as being high in silica and potassium). This makes it especially good for skin since it can be used to gently detox your skin (it has a high negative charge which draws out skin impurities— including blackheads!). This is one of the best ingredients for improving skin texture and remove toxins!

Fun Fact: Rhassoul Clay is naturally reddish brown and originates from Morocco (and is formed in part by volcanic activity. How rad is that?!)



Patchouli essential oil (extracted from the leaves of the patchouli plant) seems to be a polarizing scent: people tend to love it or they just do not. Did you know patchouli is a close relative to the mint, lavender and sage family?! (I would never have guessed that based on the scent!) But scent aside, it is a handy essential oil. Patchouli oil is both anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory— so it is amazing for soothing irritated skin. And like its cousins, lavender and mint, the scent of patchouli encourages the release of serotonin and dopamine (the hormones that help alleviate the feelings of anger and anxiety).

Fun Fact: Patchouli oil improves with age— the older, the better (and more valuable!)



So did any of this information surprise you?? Did you find a new favorite ingredient to be on the lookout for ? Check out our Neem and Patchouli Soap (with Rhassoul Clay) to experience all these benefits yourself. Or, if you gotta have them in 2 days, get them on prime!

Nicole P
Nicole P

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