Curly Hair Hacks : Tips, Tricks, and a 5 Minute Style!

January 23, 2018 2 min read

curly hair hacks yellow bird

Good Morning !! Today I thought we could talk hair. I have recently been diving deep into the curly girl world! From watching Vlogs, to following amazing curly girls on IG, to talking to cosmetologists who specialize in treating and cutting hair that complements its natural texture. With thicker, wavy hair, I love learning new things about how to get my hair to work WITH me (as opposed to against me, which some days it feels like it is. lol ). I want to learn more about how to care for curly hair/textured hair on the daily and even what styles complement it. So, I thought I would take ya'll on my journey and share some of the main things I'm learning. (I have loved using our Shampoo Bar-- definitely lets my hair be its best self!) 

    1. Avoid Heat: Heat weakens your hair shaft and a weak hair shaft means breakage. Towel dry your hair (using microfiber or cotton towels since the weave is much better for your hair). Try braids when your hair is wet in order to help avoid tangles, matting, and frizz!  Now, real talk, straightening or blow-drying your hair once will NOT ruin your hair. It's the repeated and excessive heat that causes damage. So when you can avoid it, that's a win :)
    2. Protect Your Hair: When you do style your hair with heat, and when the air is so dry, oil is your friend! It helps coat (thereby strengthening) the hair shaft. Using silk pillowcases or hair scarves when you sleep helps your hair not get caught since silk has such a smooth and tight weave 
    3. Use a Gentle Soap (and Avoid Chemicals!) : you want clean hair, not stripped hair! Remember,  a healthy scalp is the foundation of happy hair.  Try to avoid the harsh chemical preservatives many shampoos have in order to prevent them from going bad. You want a soap that is able to lift dirt and surplus oils from your hair. Soap with coconut oil and salt helps it to lather (giving the user that frothy hair washing experience) and lift the dirt. To read more about foaming agents, check out this blog post. Also, make sure you're looking for a shampoo that is full of nourishing ingredients in order to vitalize hair and help repair damage to both the scalp and the hair follicles.Our shampoo bars are excellent for all of this. For all the details on shampoo bars and frequently asked questions, check out this blog post!  
    4. Don't Over Wash: Having a hair routine is a must-- and not everyday is wash day! You want to allow your scalps oil production to manage the protection of your hair. Over-washing hair can strip your hair and scalp of those protective oils. Here is an easy "Next Day Look" (that's not a ponytail).


5 minute hair hack tutorial curly hair


What other hacks/hairstyles do you love? 

Nicole P
Nicole P

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